Saturday, July 11, 2015

"Willow Cove" Point

Feels like I'm just lazily attacking all the easy points so far.  :)

This was the 7th point that our team scored, on 1/19/15, and it was part of a series of what we thought were all references to previous Ginter Code contests ... in other words, "throwback points".  (Turns out, this was the only point that was truly a reference to a previous contest; the others were distractions.)

Like many of these points, we thought we knew what this was about from the onset, but just couldn't quite nail it down.  Then, just three days later, the CM unexpectedly gave a 'giveaway' hint.  I happened to have my Twitter account to see exactly when it hit.

Already knowing pretty much what this point was ... seeing the 12 forward slashes, I just needed to find something with 12 words.  Took a few minutes to realize it was:  "Two years later this once worthless sentence now leads to a point."

The 'giveaway' aspect of that second tweet was verified when @BosunKnows messaged me just an hour later with the link.  This was one of two points that we got mostly by being in the right place at the right time.


  1. How many hours did we play around on the willow cove site going back through our logs from 2012? We thought it had something to do with a small phrase like "nothing to see here" or one of the non-descript dead ends within the game.

    The only reason we even spent so much time there was from when we were playing around there after I sent Grant the link to the Willow Cove page during the Credit where credit is due point.

  2. Yeah, we spent a lot of time trying to get something at willow cove. I even explored the town trying to find something that wasn't there before. We really REALLY wanted this one to be about Joey Furts' Con. We tried a lot of iterations on that tweet.

  3. Anyone not involved with previous year's Ginter Codes would have been at a serious disadvantage on this one.
