Hi, this is Adam. I am part of a small team of codebreakers that were competing under the name @BosunKnows. We came in second place behind team ParanoidAndrew. They were kind enough to ask us to help with explaining the points. So we'll be posting a few solutions for the points we ended up scoring. On a personal note, before starting, I'd like to congratulate those guys on their win. They were great competitors and solved some really tough points. They definitely earned it this year.
Ok, On to the solution to #ISeeAnIV
Ok, On to the solution to #ISeeAnIV
Trending on Instagram: #ISeeAnIV Accept no fakes. #thegintercode
— Ginter Code (@TheGinterCode) September 4, 2014
It was pretty obvious from the start that this point was referring to the Leonardo da Vinci card in the Where Nature Ends set. (ICNIV) Also pretty obvious that we were supposed to find something on Instagram. I think we picked up on the idea of finding profiles at other sites pretty quickly, but they still weren't easy to locate. We tried a bunch of iterations on this. LeonardodaVinci, icniv, icnivadodranoel, etc… Nothing worked, and we didn’t really know what the "accept no fakes" comment meant.
We took a little break on this point for a while, hoping for inspiration, which eventually came in the form of a clue from the Codemaster:
Ethereal, my native tongue is the key. Without the first let Terry be your guide. #ISeeAnIV #thegintercode
— Ginter Code (@TheGinterCode) October 11, 2014
One of our teammates pointed out that “Ethereal” is E The Real. Now the “Accept no fakes” made sense. You may have noticed that some notable people incorporate "The Real" in their twitter handles. For example, notable megalomaniac Donald Trump is @realDonaldTrump, and notable codebreaker Frank Lattuca @TheRealFrankL. So it would make sense that notable renaissance artist Leonardo would use The Real to indicate that it's really him. Of course, he spoke Italian, so it would be Il Vero. The clue was backwards, so the name will be backwards. After a few tries, we hit paydirt on https://instagram.com/odranoelorevli/
That profile had one post:
That profile had one post:
The painting is the left half of Leonardo’s depiction of the Annuciation:
We tweeted the other half at the Codemaster, added a ton of Hashtags to be sure, and scored a point:
— Bosun Knows Best (@BosunKnows) October 13, 2014
You know what Brian and I were doing during this point Adam? Using three different Italian translations for "the real" plus il vero, but never with just Leonardo. Never. Why? Because we're not thorough. Where was Grant on this one. His a good man, and thorough.